At the beginning of this year, I finished the Dreaded Fleece. Like, finished finished. All the spinning, plying and finishing is done. I ended up with more than 2,300 yds. of DK weight Rambouillet yarn. Now, I have no clue what I will knit with it yet, but finishing it has felt life changing.

If you aren’t a podcast listener, you may not know the chronicles of the Dreaded Fleece. It’s a long, sorted story but the crux of it is this fleece frustrated me so much that it stole my spinning mojo. But, it’s done.

Since finishing the fleece, all that has changed. My mojo has returned. I have finished two lingering spinning projects I had sitting in hibernation and started and finished several others. My love for spinning has returned and it’s like a switch was turned on. I just keep thinking about what to spin next.

I just keep spinning. When I finished one project I go right on to start the next. I still need to focus and learn to spin with intention but at least I am behind a wheel as often as I can be. It a nice change and I am really really enjoying being back at it.
My next exercise in intentional spinning is to restart and finish a wool study I purchased from Sheep Spot. More on that to come…